Thursday, March 22, 2012

My First Birthday

Today was my first birthday...according to a human calendar.  I'm not actually sure how old I am in sigilyph years, hehe!  I had a really good birthday!

A week before, we got to go on a trip.  Before we left for the mountains, I asked Master if it would snow and she said no.  I wished for snow and wow, did I get my wish...  In fact, I need to be careful what I wish.  It was more snow than we could handle.  It was so cold that Master got really really sick and had to go to the People Center.  We almost got stranded in Flagstaff...Master's dad got tire chains so we could get out.
The snow was really pretty, looked like a Christmas card...

Luckily, Master was (relatively) better when my birthday came!  We were lucky enough to get out of boring old work early.  I took a nap and when I woke up, was I surprised or what!  Master had made me a delicious dinner of salmon sushi, fresh sugar snap peas, and endive and cucumber salad, and French orange soda!  Yummy!  Of course my friends were there to celebrate, too.
After dinner, we had cake of course.  Chocolate with whipped icing, my favorite.
Then, I got to open my presents.  I must have been a good sigilyph...I got three presents and a nice card, too.
Here I am opening everything.

I got a beautiful blue hummingbird made of beads, it was made by Native Americans around Sedona...which was one of the places we went on our trip.  I also got a little white rabbit...I'm a plushie with a plushie, hehe.  I got a friendship bracelet, too...I'm wearing it on my wing right now.
Lucky was really jealous of my rabbit, so I let him play with it.  He was very happy :)
It was a wonderful birthday!  I couldn't ask for better...  Next, it will be my Master's birthday...I hope I can make it special.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

My First Camping Trip

Me and Master got to go camping this weekend!  I must say...I prefer staying in a hotel, but it was a fun time...except when Master burned her hand real bad on bacon grease...  We don't have a picture of still looks pretty gross.

We went to a place called Gardner Canyon, which was a scrub oak sort of hilly grassland...with cows.  One of Master's cousins chased the cows away, though.  Here's what it looks like there.

I played around in the oak trees, enjoying the fresh air.

 I admired the view...I could see a really long way!  Even though I wasn't even that high up.  I felt like a wild sigilyph, hehe.

I spotted this little baby cactus while we were out, too.  It's the little fuzzy gray thing next to cute!  It was smaller than my eye!

 Not all the fuzzy things were cute...look at this scary creature!  It's a little dog, but it has a mouth large enough to swallow a sigilyph whole!

We got home not too long ago, but I smell like campfire.  Master gave me a bath, so now I smell all rosy.  *sigh*  Now I think it's time for a nap...  Bye-bye!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

With Apologies to Teka...

Today, I got a bite to eat from Eegee''s a local fast food restaurant here that isn't anywhere else other than Arizona.  I got home and talked to Aereme for a moment, then went to eat it and it was GONE!!  I could tell you about it, but you should watch for yourselves:

Now, I didn't know until AFTER I watched the video that Teka was innocent...  So...
TEKA: *sulking*
MAYA: "Oh Teka...I'm sorry.  Is there anything I can do to make you feel better?"
TEKA: "NO!  I've been humiliated and hurt..."
MAYA: "How about a cookie?"
TEKA: "...okay, I'm all better."

Sunday, February 5, 2012

The Gem Show

Sorry I haven't updated...  Master and I had a couple of really bad weeks.  First, Master got really sick and had to go to the People Center, then Master's aunt passed away.  It was a very hard time for her and her family...and it will be for a little while.  I don't want to go into the sad things because I hate seeing Master cry, so I'll talk about happy things...particularly the Gem and Mineral show we went to.

I'll be honest, Master's town is actually pretty dull.  One thing Tucson does have, though is the Tucson Gem and Mineral show!  I have never been there, but today we got to go.  They had so many pretty things there!  This time, Master was looking for crystals.  She got two polished quartz crystals, one clear and one smoky.  She also got a prism and a bismuth crystal.  They typically sell the bismuth crystals in flats only, but one had broken in half, so the shopkeeper sold it to master for cheap!  We were really happy because they are pretty rainbow-box looking things.  They aren't made in nature, but we still really like them.  The prism and small crystal flash rainbow colors when you hold them in the sun.

Master SAID she wouldn't buy beads...but there were some too pretty to pass up.  Little hematite beads and some cool looking rainbowy ones.  We'll make some pretty jewelry with them.

Master got herself a necklace.  I'm wearing it right here.  It was much different than anything me and Master had ever seen...apparently, it helps her be more creative and clever.  I didn't think she needed....sorry, Master is telling me not to flatter her.

And last, but definitely not personal favorite!  It is a blue stone with Nazca lines on it!  They didn't have the condor, but I liked this one a lot.  I think the stone is called "angelite" or something...I can't remember.  I had to get this when we saw really speaks to me for some reason :)

Anyway, thanks for looking at my blog!  I hope to start drawing some more soon...Master has started drawing again after a long slump and I want to as well!  Bye-bye for now!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

My January so Far

Hi, it's me Maya again!  I haven't posted in awhile because me and Master have been really busy.  I want to share all we have done so far this 2012.

We went on a trip to a place called Flagstaff.  Master said it would be really cold and snowy, so I put on my nice warm coat and hat.  We got to stay in a hotel...which wasn't actually that nice, to be honest.  Here is me with Trisk on our sleeping rock, I mean bed!

I'm not a spoiled sigilyph, but...
TRISK: Yes, you honest.
Ok, ok...I AM a spoiled sigilyph...  I'm used to Master's nice warm, soft bed.
TRISK: At least you didn't serve as a pillow.

The snow was mostly gone because it got really warm after Christmas...well, warm for the mountains anyway.  There was still some snow, but it was very icy.  It was still really pretty, though...especially the mountaintops!

When we got home, I decided to try wearing one of Master's scarves as a dress.  It worked surprisingly well.
TRISK: You look like an old gypsy woman...
Shut up, Trisk!  This is my blog!

Me and Master's most recent adventure was to one our favorite places, Aj's Fine Foods.  We decided to try a kind of milk that Master says is actually really old fashioned.  She explained to me that in the old days, a guy would ride around in a truck and bring milk to people's doors instead of going to the store and buying it.  She also said that it had a layer of cream on top, too.  I've never seen milk like this until today.  It came in a glass bottle and everything!  When Master poured us a glass, I thought 'Eww, it's curdled and bad!' but it was actually the thick cream.  Usually, milk makes me a little sick because it's so thick, but this milk was the perfect thickness and was a little sweeter than normal milk.  We also got Italian style waffle cookies!  Me and Master were going to share these, but someone else wanted in on it...
Teka!  When I said you could have some, I didn't mean all!
TEKA: "...I didn't get to go to lunch..."
Teka shared with us, too...he's a big fan of milk and cookies.
That's all for now, but be sure to come visit my page again soon because I'm going back to school with Master!  We're already going back, but we haven't really started any interesting things in class yet.  Master has an idea for a cartoon to go with her favorite song, so I hope we can get a head start on that...though things don't look good because she's making another sigilyph.  Hmph, that means less attention for me... *pouts*  This one is called Aereme...we'll post pictures of him, too when he's done.

Bye-bye for now!

Monday, December 26, 2011

Me and Master's Christmas

Me and Master had a very nice Christmas this year!  It's actually my first ever Christmas...  I'm so glad I got to come along with Master and her family.  We got to go to both her grandparents' houses and eat lots of good food and play games.
There were lots of pretty decorations like this Christmas tree and these lit up presents.
Master showed me all sorts of neat things in her Grandma's house.  They have a lot of ancient relics, which I like to look at...being kind of an ancient relic myself, hehe!  Master got this picture of me by a pretty vanity set.  I feel so elegant and refined here.
I also got my picture on this weird jaguar statue...  I know Master's grandma always asked for a Jaguar, but we ASSUMED she met a car...
"Calling Unova calling Unova!  Come in, Unova!  Over!"
This is only some of the neat stuff Master got for Christmas!  She got a stocking with candy, lip gloss, hematite jewelry, a hemp jewelry kit, and bread dip from Aj's!  Our favorite grocery store!  Master said I could use the little pen she got when I go back to school.
Master also got silky gloves, rainbow socks, two different sketchbooks, a lap desk for her flat computer that is made by the fake fruit company (Why don't they sell apples like the sign says??), also, she got a really pretty Swarovski necklace (I want it!  but it's in human size...), and a gift card to Aj's...Teka is going to be thrilled!

Lastly and definitely not leastly...I have this picture.
Me and Master aren't very spiritual, but we do know that Christmas wouldn't be possible without this man.  It is his birthday after all!

Friday, December 23, 2011

My New Clothes!

I'm so excited!  My human made me new clothes!  I was going to go up to the mountains for Christmas...but it got cancelled so we could take care of Master's brother.  I still need that coat because it has been so cold here...I'm freezing my tail feathers off!

Master also got this picture of me with a balloon.  She gets balloons and candy when customers say nice things about her.  I picked the purple one because it reminded me of my friend Poof.

Then, Master decided to make me an extra special dress for Christmas.  I'm wearing it with my tiara and a Christmas ribbon.  It has a little glass leaf button, too!  That's my favorite part.  I also have a little purse that I keep a tiny sigilyph doll, some dream stones, and a German coin in for good luck (I have my purse in the last picture).


Oh, and I got this pretty little sketchbook.  Master got it in a secret santa exchange, but it was too small for her to draw in, so I got it.  Master is teaching me to draw now!  I want to be an artist, too.  Here's my first's a little sigilyph.

Oh, and finally we have had a lot of new additions to our friends over here.  I wanted to get a group shot of me with Ciela, Andromeda, and Shimmer!

That's all for now...I will have Christmas picture up soon, though!  Master's already planning to make me more clothes...I'll be the best dressed sigilyph in the world XD