Friday, December 23, 2011

My New Clothes!

I'm so excited!  My human made me new clothes!  I was going to go up to the mountains for Christmas...but it got cancelled so we could take care of Master's brother.  I still need that coat because it has been so cold here...I'm freezing my tail feathers off!

Master also got this picture of me with a balloon.  She gets balloons and candy when customers say nice things about her.  I picked the purple one because it reminded me of my friend Poof.

Then, Master decided to make me an extra special dress for Christmas.  I'm wearing it with my tiara and a Christmas ribbon.  It has a little glass leaf button, too!  That's my favorite part.  I also have a little purse that I keep a tiny sigilyph doll, some dream stones, and a German coin in for good luck (I have my purse in the last picture).


Oh, and I got this pretty little sketchbook.  Master got it in a secret santa exchange, but it was too small for her to draw in, so I got it.  Master is teaching me to draw now!  I want to be an artist, too.  Here's my first's a little sigilyph.

Oh, and finally we have had a lot of new additions to our friends over here.  I wanted to get a group shot of me with Ciela, Andromeda, and Shimmer!

That's all for now...I will have Christmas picture up soon, though!  Master's already planning to make me more clothes...I'll be the best dressed sigilyph in the world XD


  1. Hi Maya! You look very snug in your coat and lovely in your dress! I wish Schreber had a dress like that, but my trainer says that boy Sigilyphs don't wear dresses. Oh well.

    I like your drawing too; it's very nice! Your new friends look very happy with you too :)


  2. Oh and I forgot to say what a fine balloon you have there! Purple IS a very nice color, isn't it? ^X^
