Sunday, December 11, 2011

My Day at the Mall

"Anyway, my human and I decided to go to the mall today.  I was very
excited because shopping is one of my favorite things to do!
First, we stopped for lunch at California Pizza Kitchen.  We pick a good
restaurant each week, we'll go to Firebird's.  That's
the same as Moltres' where I come from.  We had sweet corn guacamole,
fish tacos, and strawberry lemonade!  It was really good."

"After a good lunch, we went shopping.  We made sure to stop by Hallmark to get a get well card for Master's brother.  He broke his leg trying to ski down a really hard course...and then he ended up having to go heal at the People Center.  We're going to visit him in a few weeks...hope his leg heals fast.  I'm actually glad I don't have legs..."

"We shopped around some more.  I asked if we could go into a store called "Spencers" but Master said no because there are things in there an innocent sigilyph shouldn't must be all the stuff with pot leaves on it, yeah that has to be it.  We stopped at Game Daze, too.  Master had been looking at a metal puzzle...FOR MONTHS...but never got it.  It is two elk heads locked together by their antlers and you have to separate them.  I'm having trouble keeping Master on task because she keeps playing with it."

"We looked inside the Swarovski store, which has a lot of pretty stuff!  Sadly, it was all too expensive...but fun to look at!  Some dumb kid laughed at us and Master got all embarrassed.  I said ignore them because they obviously are jealous because they don't have a sigilyph."

"This picture is on our way out.  The mall was really pretty for Christmas.  I wanted to see Santa, but too many kids were around and sigilyphs aren't allowed...that doesn't seem very fair to me."

"Anyway, that was our day out.  I was pretty tired, so I took a nap while Master bought food to cook for dinner.  Little tiny chickens and young sweet peas!  We better not tell Teka..."

"Oh!  I almost forgot!  Later that evening, we watched Victini and the Black Hero.  There is a sigilyph in there who plays a small, but important role.  He lifts an entire castle with his telekinesis!  I wish I could do that...  And while Victini was the star, I do think the sigilyph's acting was a lot better.  He had more of a subtle acting style than the in your face performance that Victini gave us.  I also really like the golurk's performance."

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